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  • Ritualic Constellation Old Earth

    The shamanic ritual Reconnecting with Old Earth Emotions is designed to work individually, online, to reconnect with the 8 emotions that we wrongly label as negative, with each one having a message to offer the person for them to he gets into the vibration he wants. 1. Anger - Description: Intense feeling of dissatisfaction or hostility. - Healing Message: Anger indicates that a boundary has been violated or that there is an injustice or the need to have an impact on someone or something. It is a resource that prompts us to protect what is important to us and act to restore balance. 2. Vulnerability - Description: Feeling exposed and defenseless. - Healing Message: Vulnerability reminds us of our authenticity and humanity. It is an opportunity to connect deeply with ourselves and others, fostering relationships based on honesty and openness. 3. Humiliation - Description: Feeling of disregard or devaluation. - Healing Message: Humiliation shows us the areas where we feel inferior. It is a signal that we need to work on our self-esteem and dignity, recognizing our intrinsic value. 4. Shame - Description: Feeling of inadequacy or deep embarrassment. The need to not be seen or to hide. - Healing Message: Shame tells us where we feel we are not living up to our own or others' expectations. It is an invitation to accept our imperfections and cultivate unconditional self-love. 5. Fear - Description: Feeling of imminent danger or insecurity. - Healing Message: Fear protects us from real or perceived threats. It encourages us to assess our situations carefully and take steps to ensure our safety and well-being. 6. Guilt - Description: Feeling of responsibility for a mistake or an injustice. - Healing Message: Guilt tells us that we have acted against our values. It is a resource that prompts us to right our wrongs and realign our actions with our moral principles. 7. Sadness - Description: Feeling of loss or lack. - Healing Message: Sadness shows us that we have lost something valuable. It is a natural healing process that allows us to release pain and open up to new beginnings and experiences. 8. Anxiety Price is per hour. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers.

  • Ritualic Constellation: Rejection

    Healing the Wound of Rejection through Individual Family Constellations with Puppets General description The wound of rejection is a deep emotional pain that can affect self-confidence and interpersonal relationships. Family constellations are an effective therapeutic method to uncover and heal these deep wounds. Using puppets in constellations provides a visual and interactive way to explore family dynamics and bring healing. Session details - Duration: 1 hour - 1 hour and a half - Platform: Zoom - Available languages: English and Romanian - Facilitator: Nick Avătăji, with training from Laura Ghiță, Barbara Morgan and Cornelia Sindhu Session Process 1. Introduction and Establishing Intent - Facilitator Nick Avătăji will start the session by explaining the purpose and methodology of family constellations. - The client will share personal background and intentions for the session, focusing on the rejection wound. 2. Choosing and Configuring Puppets - The customer will select puppets that will represent family members and himself. - The facilitator will guide the client in placing the puppets to reflect the structure and relationships of the family. 3. Exploring the Rejection Wound - The facilitator will ask questions to deepen the understanding of the context of the rejection wounds and to observe the dynamics between the puppets. - The client will describe the emotions and perceptions that arise during this exploration. 4. Interventions and Healing - The facilitator will lead specific therapeutic interventions to bring clarity and healing. These may include: - Dialogues between puppets to reveal hidden emotions and insights. - Rearrangements of puppet positions to symbolize changes in family dynamics. - Rituals of release to cleanse negative energies and promote reconciliation. - Through these interventions, the client will be able to better understand the source of the rejection wounds and begin the healing process. 5. Integration and Reflection - The facilitator will help the client integrate the revelations and emotional changes achieved during the session. - The session will end with recommendations for self-care practices and reflection to continue the healing process. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Ego States Ritualic Constellation

    In 2024, I completed the training in transactional analysis, the field of psychotherapy, under the guidance of Cezera Dașu, an extremely well-known and appreciated Romanian psychotherapist. The place of facilitation that I assume is that of deep respect for the soul and the Consciousness of the Great Whole, but without omitting respect for the human mind. In Transactional Analysis, each person is considered to have three distinct ego states, each with specific roles and functions in our daily interactions. These are: 1. Parent status - Description: It is divided into two subcategories: Critical Parent and Caring Parent. - Critical Parent: Evaluates, criticizes and imposes rules. It can provide structure and discipline, but it can also be rigid or authoritarian. - Caring Parent: Provides support, protection and care. It is empathetic and protective, but can become overprotective or suffocating. - Functions: Transmits norms and values ​​learned from the past, provides guidance and protection. 2. Adulthood (Adult) - Description: Represents the rational and objective part of the personality. It relies on data and facts to make informed decisions. - Functions: Evaluates present situations logically and realistically, processes information and makes effective decisions. It is the balance between the Parent Self and the Child Self. 3. The State of I Child (Child) - Description: It is divided into two subcategories: Free Child and Adapted Child. - Free Child: Spontaneous, creative and playful. It represents genuine wants and needs. - Adapted Child: Responds to the expectations and demands of others. It can be conformist or rebellious depending on the context. - Functions: Expresses emotions and desires, provides creativity and spontaneity. It can indicate both genuine joy and emotional reactivity to stimuli. These functional Self states play a critical role in how we interact with others and manage our own emotions and behaviors. Understanding and balancing these states helps us live more harmonious lives and have healthier and more effective relationships. Discover deep healing with Family Constellation Facilitator / Soul Influencer Nick Avătăji and explore the hidden symmetry of love. Love is a click away! The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Ritualic Constellation: Betrayal

    Healing the Wound of Betrayal through Individual Family Constellations with Puppets General description The wound of betrayal is a deep pain that can affect trust in oneself and others, leaving deep traces in personal relationships and everyday life. Family constellations are an effective therapeutic method to uncover and heal these deep wounds. Using puppets in constellations provides a visual and interactive way to explore family dynamics and bring healing. Session details - Duration: 1 hour - 1 hour and a half - Platform: Zoom - Available languages: English and Romanian - Facilitator: Nick Avătăji, with training from Laura Ghiță, Barbara Morgan and Cornelia Sindhu Session Process 1. Introduction and Establishing Intent - Facilitator Nick Avătăji will start the session by explaining the purpose and methodology of family constellations. - The client will share personal background and intentions for the session, focusing on the wound of betrayal. 2. Choosing and Configuring Puppets - The customer will select puppets that will represent family members and himself. - The facilitator will guide the client in placing the puppets to reflect the structure and relationships of the family. 3. Exploring the Wound of Betrayal - The facilitator will ask questions to deepen the understanding of the context of betrayal wounds and to observe the dynamics between the puppets. - The client will describe the emotions and perceptions that arise during this exploration. 4. Interventions and Healing - The facilitator will lead specific therapeutic interventions to bring clarity and healing. These may include: - Dialogues between puppets to reveal hidden emotions and insights. - Rearrangements of puppet positions to symbolize changes in family dynamics. - Rituals of release to cleanse negative energies and promote reconciliation. - Through these interventions, the client will be able to better understand the source of the wounds of betrayal and begin the healing process. 5. Integration and Reflection - The facilitator will help the client integrate the revelations and emotional changes achieved during the session. - The session will end with recommendations for self-care practices and reflection to continue the healing process. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Tenerife family constellations workshop

    Discover deep healing with Nick Avătăji, family constellation facilitator / soul-fluencer Physical group meeting, actual location in Santa Cruz de Tenerife to be announced later. About Nick Avătăji Nick Avătăji is a passionate and dedicated family constellation facilitator, with solid training under the guidance of the Romanian psychotherapist, family constellation facilitator, Laura Ghiță, along with special guests Barbara Morgan and Cornelia Nicola Sindhu. In addition, Nick completed training in psychotherapy, specializing in transactional analysis under the guidance of Cezera Dașu, an extremely well-known and respected Romanian psychotherapist. Although he chose not to practice as a psychotherapist, Nick found his true calling in facilitating family constellations, being deeply fascinated by their healing power. From criminal lawyer to spiritual therapist Nick Avătăji started his career as a criminal lawyer, dedicating himself to the truth. Over time, however, he realized that the world is much more complex than what is seen on the surface. And he found a place where the truth is truly pure: The field of family constellations. This discovery led him to a deep interest in the unconscious and its healing powers, finding inspiration in family constellations and their associated rituals. Expertise and phenomenological approach Disregarding facilitation according to the principles of the classic family constellations as brought to consciousness by Bert Hellinger, Nick uses over 16 ritual constellations, structured into three levels of training: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each constellation is meant to support the healing processes of individuals who choose this form of spiritual therapy. Nick takes a strictly phenomenological approach and specializes in working with emotions, having a remarkable finesse in handling transference and countertransference. Inspiration from great thinkers Nick Avătăji expresses deep respect for the works of great thinkers such as Bert Hellinger, Eric Berne, Sigmund Freud and Jesus Christ. He believes that the Bible is true as long as it is read with an open heart and without elements designed to create fear. This spiritual and non-dogmatic philosophy is reflected in how Nick facilitates family constellations, providing a safe and compassionate space and presence for exploration and healing.

  • 7 Chackra Ritualic Constellations

    The Shamanic 7 Chakre Ritual is designed for individual work, online, to connect with what the 7 Chakre have to offer the individual to reach the vibration they desire. In Hindu culture there are said to be seven main chakras, each bringing healing in specific directions: The Seven Chakras and their Healing 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Healing: Promotes a sense of safety and stability. It heals issues related to anxiety, insecurity and provides a sense of belonging and physical support. 2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) - Healing: Regulates emotions, creativity and sexuality. It heals emotional blockages, intimacy issues and stimulates joy and passion. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Healing: Associated with personal power and self-confidence. It heals self-esteem issues, social anxiety and motivates action and determination. 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Healing: Connects the physical and spiritual aspects of the being. It heals emotional wounds, promotes unconditional love, compassion and healthy relationships. 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Healing: Responsible for communication and self-expression. It heals communication blockages, lies and encourages authenticity and expression of personal truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing: Associated with intuition and clairvoyance. It heals mental confusion, lack of concentration and develops intuitive understanding and inner perspective. 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Healing: Connects with spirituality and higher consciousness. Heals the feeling of spiritual disconnection. Price is per hour. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Ritualic Constellation of the Contracts

    Soul Contracts and Their Healing in Ritual Family Constellations 1. The Love Contract - Description: Represents the deep bonds of love between souls, be they romantic, family or friendship. - Healing: Heals emotional wounds related to love and opens the heart to authentic relationships and unconditional love. It helps release fears and resentments about intimacy. 2. Trust Agreement - Description: Involves agreements based on trust and loyalty between souls. - Healing: Heals betrayals and disappointments. It restores confidence in oneself and in others, enabling the formation of stable and trusting relationships. 3. Protection Agreement - Description: Commitments to protect and provide safety to others. - Healing: Heals feelings of vulnerability and fear. It helps create a sense of security and support, both physically and emotionally. 4. The Healing Contract - Description: Agreements to help heal the soul and physical wounds of other souls. - Healing: Facilitates deep healing of trauma and emotional wounds. Provides support for recovery and renewal processes. 5. Learning Agreement - Description: Commitments to learn important lessons in this life. - Healing: Heals ignorance and stagnation by opening the mind and soul to new understandings and perspectives. It promotes personal growth and spiritual evolution. 6. Service Agreement - Description: Involves agreements to serve a greater cause or help other souls on their journey. - Healing: Heals selfishness and isolation, promoting altruism and compassion. It provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment by contributing to the common good. 7. The Contract of Compassion - Description: Agreements to show compassion and empathy towards others. - Healing: Heals pain and suffering by offering empathy and understanding. It helps create deep and supportive emotional bonds. 8. Authenticity Agreement - Description: Involves agreements to live in an authentic and honest way. - Healing: Heals falsehood and conformity. It gives the power to be true to oneself and live according to one's essence and personal values. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Reiki Initiation

    Reiki is a Japanese method of self-treatment, based on directing Reiki energy by placing the hands in certain positions on the patient's body. Reiki is an energetic phenomenon that does not conflict with the laws of the land or spiritual beliefs. Reiki energy is special from an informational point of view and guides itself through the relationships it establishes with the patient's subconscious, thus determining his energy needs. For this reason, the therapist does not have to establish a certain amount of energy nor the purpose of its transmission, but only has to allow the flow of this energy. The ability to do this is acquired through the initiation that a Reiki Master makes of the practitioner; which means that the master opens a certain energy channel, a channel that remains open for the rest of his life and with the help of which the person will access the universal Reiki energy. This channel has the route: head-heart-palms. According to the principles of this healing technique, most illnesses and pains are the result of energy blockages; by eliminating them and by increasing the energy flow, self-treatment is produced, the therapist being a facilitator of the process by acting as a channel of energy flow. He triggers self-treatment. Through Reiki initiations, each student activates their latent, natural self-healing energy capabilities. It is not about paranormal phenomena, out of the ordinary, but about a phenomenon that every person who practices Reiki experiences. Grade I: 40 euros Grade II: 60 euros Grade III: 80 euros Reiki master (right of initiations): 160 euros All grades - 4 initiations: 240 euros

  • Ritualic Kundalini Constellation

    The 7 Chakra Shamanic Ritual is designed for individual work, online, to work with oneself through spiritual therapy with what the 7 Chakras have to offer the person to reach the vibration they desire. The client will be invited to bring into consciousness exactly those aspects that are believed to be blocking the normal flow of the chakras, allowing the energy to flow. They are metaphorically a succession of seven small pools, working in cascade, allowing life energy to rise until the so-called Kundalini awakening phenomenon occurs. In Hindu culture there are said to be seven main chakras, each bringing healing in specific directions: The Seven Chakras and their Healing 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Healing: Promotes a sense of safety and stability. It heals issues related to anxiety, insecurity and provides a sense of belonging and physical support. 2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) - Healing: Regulates emotions, creativity and sexuality. It heals emotional blockages, intimacy issues and stimulates joy and passion. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Healing: Associated with personal power and self-confidence. It heals self-esteem issues, social anxiety and motivates action and determination. 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Healing: Connects the physical and spiritual aspects of the being. It heals emotional wounds, promotes unconditional love, compassion and healthy relationships. 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Healing: Responsible for communication and self-expression. It heals communication blockages, lies and encourages authenticity and expression of personal truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing: Associated with intuition and clairvoyance. It heals mental confusion, lack of concentration and develops intuitive understanding and inner perspective. 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Healing: Connects with spirituality and higher consciousness. Heals the feeling of spiritual disconnection. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Ritualic Constellation New Earth

    It is my spiritual belief that at this time the Earth's consciousness is transitioning from its own red chakra to the orange one. Thus, the constellation is designed to allow the incursion of this change into the unconscious, so that the person begins, at his own pace and with protection, the spiritual ascent towards the new vibration. This constellation also shows the client's "life purpose". Discover deep healing with Family Constellation Facilitator / Soul Influencer Nick Avătăji and explore the hidden symmetry of love. Love is a click away! The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. Price is per hour. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • TA Weekly group

    HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Coaching Program By Nick Avătăji A hybrid program* that combines coaching and training, providing participants with a series of information and exercises for accelerated personal development. 1. Coaching for Reorienting the Inner Child in the Present (Mindfulness + Reiki): - Safety and protection; - Love vs. affection; - The wound of rejection; - The wound of abandonment; - The wound of humiliation; - The wound of injustice; - The wound of betrayal; 2. Bringing Relational Energies into the Present: Former partners; 3. Polarity Coaching: Working with feminine and masculine energy; 4. AT Philosophy: Presenting specific elements of transactional analysis for improving everyday life. 5. Reframe Coaching: The mentors' table, remembering the future. Programul este exclusiv online*, destinat doar românilor de pretutindeni și vorbitorilor de limba engleză ori italiană. *Serviciul NU se adresează românilor din România.

  • Organisational Constellation

    For a long time I thought that online work was not like physical work, true only as a set-up, not as a phenomenon of family constellations, when I began to represent myself in various individual constellations facilitated online. Then I also started facilitating online, living firsthand the reality that regardless of location or how they are placed, family constellations work, and the hidden symmetry of love always makes its presence felt. After the interview with the facilitator, in agreement with the client, through the use of representation puppets, the actual constellation will proceed. Price is per hour. Discover deep healing with Family Constellation Facilitator / Soul Influencer Nick Avătăji and explore the hidden symmetry of love. Love is a click away!

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