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Family constellations and TA Therapy for English speakers & Romanians from everywhere Family Constellations Facilitator, Bert Hellinger method, Member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, member of the UK Association for Transactional Analysis, field of psychotherapy, transactional analysis. Family Constellations and Transactional Analysis, field of Psychotherapy & Counselling See the offers Ritual constellations Family constellations Individual therapy Transactional analysis Services provided by me For clients within the EU, Romanians from everywhere, and those seeking online sessions in Romanian, English, or Italian, I offer a diverse range of products rooted in family constellations training and transactional analysis. Whether you're interested in classic or ritual family constellations, or transactional analysis, I am committed to providing a holistic approach that honors both the soul and mind. I am confident in delivering the right therapeutic approach tailored to your needs. Free guidance session Determine with me which service is best for you at no cost to you*. Text me Online on Zoom Transactional Analysis Therapy & Counselling Price €50.00 Add to Cart Great price Individual Constellation Online Price €70.00 Add to Cart NEW Awakened Monkey - The game Price €40.00 Add to Cart Best seller Monkeys at taifas Price €49.00 Add to Cart Monkeys chit-chatting BEST SELLER Through your greatness, those of you who have chosen to read the book 'Maimuțe la taifas' have propelled it to the top 5 bestsellers at Letras Publishing in less than two months. Your enthusiasm has encouraged me to write the second book, which you can also find available here. Enter the ConstellAT community Our community is dedicated to exploring the fascinating worlds of family constellations and transactional analysis. I agree to the processing of personal data and to the Terms and Conditions View terms of use SEND Thanks for subscribing! Contact Name Email Phone number Message I agree to the processing of personal data and to the Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions SEND Thanks for the message!
- Gift Card | Nick Avataji
eGift Card by Nick Avătăji 20 EUR How could you go wrong with a gift card for your loved one, especially when you feel like giving them the experience of trying a healing or settlement program? Healing for your loved ones! ... Read more Amount 20 EUR 30 EUR 40 EUR 50 EUR 60 EUR 70 EUR 80 EUR 90 EUR 100 EUR 200 EUR Other amount Quantity Buy Now
- Despre | Nick Avataji
Nick Avă tă ji Connecting Through Family Constellations Family constellations help us feel a sense of belonging, but from a place of presence. Once the truth is known, it stays with us, even if we choose to ignore it, at the cost of our authenticity. Not belonging has always been a challenge for me, but training in constellations has allowed me to belong as I am, authentically and without guilt. I believe that in constellations, it is not about focusing on the problem, but about waiting for the truth to reveal the solution. The facilitator, present and willing not to know, serves the client with humility and deep respect for the destinies of those who have allowed life to reach the one seated to the right of the facilitator. We do not act, but the field does. We are daily witnesses to the hidden symmetry of love. Education and Professional Training I am under the supervision of Laura Ghiță, a renowned psychotherapist and constellations facilitator, and have also been trained by Barbara Morgan and Cornelia Nicola Sindhu. I completed my psychotherapy training in transactional analysis under the guidance of Cezara Dașu, and have also pursued some training in the United Kingdom, which lead to my membership in the UK Council for Psycotherapy, as a training therapist. Although I do not practice as a TA psychotherapist in Romania, I offer online services in English and Romanian (for Romanians everywhere). After passing the CTA (P) exam, I will open a physical practice. Fascinated by ritual constellations, I have dedicated myself to this therapeutic method and its transformative impact. Career and Personal Transformation Initially a criminal lawyer, I realized the complexity of the world beyond the courtroom, which led me to explore the unconscious and family constellations. Ritual Constellations and Levels of Training I utilize over 20 ritual constellations, structured into three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each constellation is tailored to support the healing process of clients. Philosophy and Inspiration I respect the works of Bert Hellinger, Eric Berne, Sigmund Freud, and Jesus. I believe the Bible is true when read with an open heart. My practice is based on respect for the soul, mind, and body. Phenomenological and Emotional Approach I work phenomenologically, specializing in working with emotions. My fine senses in transfer and countertransfer allow me to faithfully reproduce what the client feels, approaching each session with compassion and professionalism. Mission and Vision My soul supports people in their process of healing and reconnecting with authenticity and love. I create a safe and compassionate space for exploring and healing family traumas. Contact and Workshops This site is addressed to Romanian speakers everywhere and English speakers. For appointments or details, please contact me. 01 Facilitator of family constellations in supervision I am a facilitator of family constellations in the supervision of the well-known Romanian facilitator of family constellations, psychotherapist Laura Ghiță, who, in order to ensure that we will have a high-level training, also invited Barbara Morgan and Cornelia Nicola Sindhu to provided training, and created a co-facilitation framework with other well-known facilitators such as Dragoș Riți. 02 Training Therapist in transactional analysis method under supervision at UKCP, UKATA, EATA and ITAA I am under the process of getting my exam as a Certified Transactional Analyst, field of Psychotherapy, at EATA, having a TA supervised practice. 03 Authorized Trainer, Coaching Specialist, Personal Development Advisor, PCM training, Breathwork Teacher Training Certificate, Reiki Master, There are years in which I followed numerous trainings to become who I am. Thus, they are: Authorized Trainer, Coaching Specialist, Personal Development Advisor, PCM training, Breathwork Teacher, Reiki Master with right of initiation and others Contact Nume Adresă Email Telefon Subiect Mesaj I agree to the terms & conditions Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Politica de Cookies | Nick Avataji
Cookies policy ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL Ce sunt cookie-urile? Cookie-urile sunt fragmente de text plasate în computerul dumneavoastră de către site-urile pe care le vizitați. Această tehnologie de stocare automată a datelor este foarte răspândită și se folosește pentru a colecta informații precum tipul de browser și sistemul de operare, pagina sursă, denumirea domeniului din care vizitatorul s-a conectat la site, cu scopul de a înțelege cum folosesc vizitatorii această pagina de web. "Cookies" ne ajută să adaptam conținutul website-ului în funcție de nevoile dumneavoastră. Cum și de ce folosim cookie-uri? Folosim cookies pentru a îmbunătăți utilizarea și funcționalitatea site-urilor noastre și pentru a înțelege mai bine modul în care vizitatorii utilizează aceste site-uri, precum și serviciile oferite de către acestea. Stocarea de cookies pe calculatorul dumneavoastră ne oferă o modalitate ușoară și convenabilă pentru a personaliza sau a îmbunătăți experiența dumneavoastă pe site-ul nostru și pentru a face următoarea vizită mai plăcută. Noi nu folosim cookies pentru a colecta informații personale, cum ar fi numele dumneavoastră, cu toate acestea, putem face legătura între informațiile conținute într-un cookie și informațiile dumneavoastră cu caracter personal colectate prin alte mijloace (de exemplu, formularele de înregistrare). Cum puteți modifica setările dumneavoastră cookie? Puteți în orice moment modifica setările dumneavoastră cookie (de exemplu, să fiți alertați atunci când cookie-urile sunt trimise către computerul dumneavoastră), făcând click pe link-ul apărut în cuprinsul paginii. Dacă faceți acest lucru, vă rugăm să aveți în vedere faptul că este posibil să nu vă puteți înregistra pe site-ul nostru sau să folosiți alte funcții care necesită înregistrarea sau colectarea de informații. Modificarea setărilor Cookie Orice modificări la setările dumneavoastră cookie vor fi salvate până când decideți să faceți modificări suplimentare, în cazul în care v-ați răzgândit. Rețineți că puteți accesa această pagină și link-ul în orice moment, făcând click pe "Politica Cookies" în acest website. Ce tipuri de Cookie-uri sunt folosite? Atunci când vizitați acest site, următoarele tipuri de Cookie-uri sunt folosite: Cookie-urile necesare Acestea sunt Cookie-urile strict necesare pentru operarea unui site web. Fără aceste cookie-uri, acest site nu va funcționa corect. Cookie-urile funcționale Acestea sunt Cookie-urile care sunt setate pentru a îmbunătăți funcționalitatea site-ului. De exemplu, Cookie-urile care amintesc conținutul pe care l-ati vizionat anterior pe acest site sau adresa de e-mail și parola furnizate la înregistrare în timpul unei vizite anterioare pe acest site. 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O adresa IP este un număr care este utilizat de computere în rețea pentru a identifica computerul dumneavoastră de fiecare dată când vă conectați la Internet. Fișierele Jurnal Noi (sau o terță parte în numele nostru) putem colecta informații în forma de fișiere jurnal care înregistrează activitatea site-ului și adună informații statistice despre obiceiurile de navigare ale utilizatorilor. Aceste intrări sunt generate anonim și ne ajută să adunăm (printre altele): (i) tipul de utilizator de browser și sistemul de operare, (ii) informații despre sesiunea unui utilizator (cum ar fi URL-ul de pe care au venit, data și ora când au vizitat site-ul, pagini de pe site-ul nostru pe care le-a vizitat și pentru cât timp) și (iii) alte date similare de navigație sau click-stream. 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- Podcast ConstelAT | Nick Avataji
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- Termeni și condiții | Nick Avataji
Terms and conditions Overview The platform represents a presentation website and a marketplace aimed at facilitating quick access to products and services offered by ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARENESS STUDIES CENTER SRL, which is also the owner of the website. The Provider has the exclusive responsibility for maintaining the platform and providing technical solutions. By accessing the platform and the services offered through this platform, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use presented below, without limitations or qualifications (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions of Use"). The Terms and Conditions of Use are the minimum rules applicable, which are supplemented by the provisions of the applicable legislation. Non-acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use provided in this document makes it impossible for you to use the service. The use of the platform and the services offered constitutes your express acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Please note that these terms of use may be modified at any time without prior notice or notification, and it is the user's responsibility to check them each time they access the platform. 1. DEFINITIONS: : The website and platform, as well as all the services accessible on this website or its subdomains, hereinafter referred to as the PROVIDER. SERVICE: The services provided by the Provider through the website , which represents a presentation website and a marketplace aimed at facilitating quick access to products and services offered by ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARENESS STUDIES CENTER SRL, with exclusive responsibility for maintaining the platform and offering for sale or promoting products and services. CLIENT: An individual or legal entity who places an order for services or products on the platform and who has agreed to the specific clauses of the website in the Terms and Conditions section. ORDER: The action of purchasing one or more services or goods displayed on the website, carried out by a Client who wishes to benefit from that/those services. The goods are not sold per se, but the educational service for which the user will also receive the purchased goods. USER: Any individual or legal entity accessing the platform . INFORMED CONSENT: The document by which the Client consents to be included in the therapeutic program and expresses agreement for the provision of services within the program. 2. MODIFICATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS The PROVIDER reserves the right to modify, add, or abolish this policy at any time by publishing the modified policy in the "Terms and Conditions" section of the Platform. Clients and Users are obliged to permanently check the "Terms and Conditions" section to ensure that they are aware of any updates or modifications to the conditions. By continuing to use the platform , the User's acceptance will be considered as tacitly expressed. Any errors identified on the platform will be corrected immediately by the Provider without prior notice. 3. RULES FOR USING THE PLATFORM HTTPS://NICKAVATAJI.COM AND DECLARATIONS 1. The services offered by the platform can only be accessed by clients who are 18 years old or older, either personally or on behalf of a minor child for whom the client holds parental authority. If the Provider discovers that a Client is under 18 years old and has provided personal information to the Provider, the latter will proceed to delete this information and terminate the contractual relationship. 2. The Client declares and warrants that they are at least 18 years old, and the information provided refers to their own person or to the person over whom they exercise parental authority, and that the information provided is true, accurate, and complete. 3. Providing information that is not true, inaccurate, or incomplete entitles the Provider to interrupt any provision. Also, in the case of abusive access or suspicion of (attempted) fraud, the Provider reserves the right to restrict access to the service and to take all measures available against the user in question. 4. During interaction with the therapist, the Client will use a respectful tone and language. The utterance of insults, offensive or vulgar expressions, threats of any kind, or any other acts against the psychologist or any other persons, likely to inspire fear or harm their dignity and honor, will not be tolerated, and in such cases, the Author will be entitled to terminate the conversation. 5. The services and products, their components, graphics, as well as the content of the platform are owned by the platform , and the client understands that they have no rights over them except for the limited right to use them, according to these Terms and Conditions. 6. The information provided by the platform through the service is its property and may be protected, under the law, by copyright or other intellectual property rights. 7. It is prohibited to use any images, trademarks, or signs belonging to the platform or third parties without obtaining the prior written consent of the rights holders, as well as recording in any form, video, audio, screenshots, etc., of therapy sessions. 8. The platform is not a public but a private space. 9. The cost of the product or service is established by the author or supplier and is paid by the Client through the platform using a bank card immediately after making
- Politică de confidențialitate | Nick Avataji
GENERAL PRIVACY POLICY Introduction ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL (hereinafter "RPD&ASC" or "we" or "the company" or "the operator"), owner of the website , complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - Regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and attaches the utmost importance and interest to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to it through the use of this website. Our adventure in strictly complying with the General Regulation on the protection of personal data began with the appointment of a Data Protection Officer at the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data, General Register Number: 5479 dated: 25/03/2021 . One of the fundamental principles of this Regulation is transparency, and through this General Privacy Policy we want to inform you about how we collect, use and protect your personal data. We reserve the right to periodically update, revise and modify this General Privacy Policy. If changes occur, we will display the updated and revised version on our website. Regulation Terms Operator the entity - in the present case - the operator or any other legal person, public authority, agency or non-governmental organization, which processes or establishes the purposes and means of processing personal data; Personal data It means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject"); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person. The person concerned any natural person whose personal data may be or are processed by the operator; Purpose of the General Privacy Policy: When the data subject enters into a relationship of any kind with us, he entrusts us with his personal information. The purpose of this General Privacy Policy is to explain to the natural persons concerned what data we process, why we process it and how we continue to use it - in our capacity as an operator. We take privacy seriously and never share or sell personal data of any kind whether it's our customers, lists or email addresses. Being fully aware that personal information belongs to every natural person, we do our best to store it safely and process it carefully. We do not provide information to third parties without first informing the data subjects, except in situations where, according to the law, notification to the data subject is prohibited. This information is important. We hope they will be read carefully. This General Privacy Policy does not cover the applications and websites of other third parties that people can reach by accessing links on our website. This is beyond our control. We therefore encourage you to review the Privacy Policy on any site and/or application before providing personal data. This General Privacy Policy also covers the process of recruitment and selection of candidates for the offered positions. ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL informs applicants of the personal data that will be collected, the purpose for which it is collected and how it will be used, in close connection with the existence of the Privacy Policy specific to recruitment. According to the legislation, the natural person beneficiary of our services or the person in a relationship of any kind with us, is a ", that is, an identified or identifiable natural person. In order to be completely transparent about data processing and to allow it to easily exercise its rights at any time, we have implemented measures to facilitate communication between us, the data controller and the data subject. If you are under the age of 16, you will need your parent's or guardian's consent before providing us with any personal information for the purposes of registration or other online activities. If you are unsure of the information you see on this site, ask your parents or guardian for help. Any processing of personal data of minors will be carried out only in accordance with the law. Commitment of ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL: Protecting the personal information of data subjects is very important to us. Therefore, we are committed to complying with the new Regulation (EU) 2016/679, applicable national legislation, as well as the following principles: Legality, fairness and transparency: We process personal data lawfully and fairly. We are always transparent about the information we use, and the data subject is appropriately informed. Control belongs to the data subject. To the extent permitted by law, we give you the opportunity to review, modify, delete the personal data you have shared with us, and to exercise your other rights. Data integrity and purpose limitation: We use the data only for the purposes described at the time of collection or for purposes compatible with the original ones. In all cases, our purposes are compatible with the law. We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Security: We have implemented reasonable security and encryption measures to protect information as best as possible. However, it should be noted that no website, application, or Internet connection is completely secure. About ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL, a Romanian legal entity, is a provider of adult professional training services, with some of the courses offered being accredited or in the process of accreditation. ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL offers its clients courses, both authorized and with selected specifications, held by authorized trainers in Romania, on various topics. The team of trainers has vast experience, also having different professions: Managers, lawyers, economists, medical assistants, psychologists, etc. In terms of data protection legislation, we act as a CONTROLLER when processing your personal data. In order for the personal data of data subjects to be processed safely, we have made every effort to implement reasonable measures to protect their personal information. Since we are always interested in hearing your opinions, as well as providing you with any additional information you may need regarding the processing of your data, we inform you that you can contact us at the email address: , or directly through a request registered at our registry office or sent by mail or courier to our headquarters below. Rights of the data subject under the new Regulation - The right to withdraw consent where processing is based on consent;- Dreptul de a fi informat cu privire la prelucrarea datelor; - Right of access to data; - Right to rectify inaccurate or incomplete data; - Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"); - Right to restrict processing; - Right to data portability to another controller; - Right to object to data processing; - Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling; - Right to seek redress; - Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority. Right to information: • This allows data subjects to know, even at the time of collection (or within one month of acquiring the data, in the case of data collected indirectly from the data subject), how the data will be used, to whom they will be disclosed or transferred, what rights the individuals have regarding the processed data, etc. Right of access to data: • Art. 15 of the GDPR allows data subjects to obtain, from the controller, confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed and, if so, access to that data and other useful information (Art. 15 of the GDPR contains a list of such useful information, including the purposes of processing, categories of data processed, recipients, etc.). • As a result of the right of access, the data subject will receive personalized information (see the content of the information, as presented in a following chapter), explaining what data are processed, for what purpose, on what legal basis, the retention period of those data, to whom they can be transferred and for what purpose, mentioning the rights of the data subject regarding those data, including the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority if the individual is not satisfied with how this response is formulated, etc. • In addition to this information about the processed data, the data subject has the right to obtain a copy of the data in question. While the above information discusses categories of data (e.g., email address, name, etc.), in the case of data copies, the actual data will be provided. - Right to erasure: • Article 17 of the GDPR allows data subjects to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning them without undue delay. The first thing an operator should do when receiving such a deletion request is to check whether it falls under one of the exceptions provided by Article 17(3) of the GDPR, which allows or obliges them to retain the data, even in the case of a deletion request, namely: The right to erasure does not apply if the processing is necessary: (a) for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information; (b) for compliance with a legal obligation which requires processing under Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject or for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller; (c) for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, in accordance with Article 9(2)(h) and (i) - preventive medicine or the provision of healthcare services, and Article 9(3) – processing under the obligation of professional secrecy; (d) for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes, in accordance with Article 89(1), to the extent that the right referred to in paragraph 1 is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of the objectives of that processing; or (e) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. - Right to rectification of data: • According to Article 16 of the GDPR: the data subject has the right to obtain from the controller the rectification or completion of inaccurate personal data concerning them without undue delay. - Right to restriction of data: • Article 18 of the GDPR: the right to restriction of data processing is a temporary right. In some situations, between the time when, for example, the controller decides to delete certain data (no longer needing the personal data for the purpose of processing) and the actual deletion of the data, the data subject makes a request opposing the deletion, stating that they require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. As a result of such a request, the controller suspends the processing of the data for a certain period. • Upon lifting the restriction on processing, the Controller must inform the data subject that the restriction has been lifted. - Right to data portability: • Article 20 of the GDPR. The data subject has the right to receive the personal data concerning them, which they have provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided. In other words, personal data must be provided to the data subject in a structured format so that they can decide whether to download it or, conversely, to send it to another controller. • This right applies only to data processed under a contract or the data subject's consent, and (cumulatively) when the processing is carried out by automated means. • The right to data portability applies both to data directly provided by the data subject. Data derived or inferred, commonly referred to as conclusions drawn by operators (usually based on profiling operations), are excluded from portability. - Right to object: • Article 21 of the GDPR. The data subject has the right to object, for example, to the processing of their personal data, when such processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes. It is very important that, when there is processing that could give rise to this right for the data subject, the information should mention the existence of this right. - Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing: • Profiling occurs when your personal aspects are evaluated to make predictions about you, even if no decision is taken. • Exclusive automated decision-making occurs when decisions about you are made using technological means and without any human involvement: these decisions can even be made without profiling. • Data protection law establishes that you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated means if the decision produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. A decision produces legal effects when it impacts your legal rights (such as the right to vote). In addition, processing may significantly affect you if it influences your circumstances, behavior, or choices. Decisions based on algorithms cannot use special categories of data unless you have given your consent or if processing is permitted by EU law or national law. The right to access means that you have the right to obtain confirmation from us whether we are processing your data or not, and if so, to provide you access to this data as well as information about how it is processed. The right to portability refers to the fact that you can receive personal data in a structured, machine-readable format and have the right to transmit this data directly to another controller. The right to object concerns the right to object to the processing of personal data when it serves a public interest or a legitimate interest of ours. The right to rectification refers to the correction without undue delay of inaccurate personal data. The right to erasure/the right to be forgotten means that you have the right to have your collected data erased without undue delay in any of the following situations: they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing, you object to processing, the data has been collected unlawfully, the data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation, the collection was made in the context of offering information society services. The right to restrict processing can be exercised if the accuracy of the data is contested for a certain period, sufficient for verifying the data, if processing is unlawful but deletion is not desired, only restriction, if the lawyer no longer needs the personal data for processing but you request it for the defense of a right in court, if you have objected to processing for the time period during which it is being verified whether legitimate rights prevail over yours. Contact Information for Nick AVĂTĂJI Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței, no. 3, bl. 17, sc. 1, ap. 4, Sector 5 Categories of personal data. Purposes and legal bases for processing: ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL will process your personal data, depending on the context of the interactions and relationships you have with us by phone or through the website Special categories of personal data are those that reveal (according to Article 9 of the GDPR): - Racial or ethnic origin; - Political opinions; - Religious beliefs or philosophical convictions; - Membership in trade unions; - Genetic data; - Biometric data for the unique identification of an individual; - Data concerning health; - Data concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation. These special categories are excluded from processing. ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER DOES NOT PROCESS SUCH DATA. According to the GDPR (Article 6(1)), processing is lawful only if and to the extent that at least one of the following conditions applies: (a) The data subject has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; (b) Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; (c) Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; (d) Processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person; (e) Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller; (f) Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. We process your name, surname, phone number, email address, and your address for: - executing the sales contract concluded with you, including performing activities on your behalf under the contract between us; - delivering the goods delivered by you; - fulfilling tax obligations related to the payment of the service; - drafting documents on your behalf, according to the entrusted mandate; - fulfilling obligations imposed by law on merchants; - marketing communications; - situations where you have contacted us through the website. Unless otherwise specified, data is stored for up to 10 years, except in the case of records of adult education service providers, which may be kept longer, according to the law. This data is processed because the data subject (you) has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; We process your phone number, email address, Facebook account, and other data provided in point 2 (except if you have provided them) for: - communicating with you; - providing necessary information about our products. Unless otherwise specified, data is stored for up to 10 years, except in the case of records of adult education service providers, which may be kept longer, according to the law. This data is processed because the data subject (you) has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject; We process the data included in your requests and communications to us, as well as the data of third parties provided in the documents you bring to our attention, for: - fulfilling your legitimate interest in having the opportunity to read the book; - fulfilling the public interest in adult professional education. Unless otherwise specified, data is stored for up to 10 years, except in the case of records of adult education service providers, which may be kept longer, according to the law. We do not use personal data for automated processing or profiling. We never make automated decisions about you. We use technical means to securely store data. We do not process data for secondary purposes that are incompatible with the purposes for which they were collected. This General Privacy Policy refers to the personal data of customers, suppliers, other individuals who contact us and visit us, their representatives, potential collaborators, and applies to data collected through our website, as well as all other personal data collected through email and contact forms. Thus, visitors and users of the website may have the following categories of data processed: 1. In case of requesting additional information, contact and/or complaints: name, surname, email address, phone number. 2. In case of placing an order: name, surname, address, phone number, Facebook account, email address, phone number. Please note that any sensitive and/or demographic information voluntarily provided to us in the scheduling process (gender, citizenship, information about citizenship, communication of patient's medical or health information - conditions, previous treatments) and/or data regarding racial, ethnic, or religious origin are considered sensitive personal data and will not be processed. However, if they are found in the documents communicated or in your emails, they cannot be deleted except by deleting the email, which is impossible, as it is preserved to prove the existence of communication. For the purpose of providing services, delivering goods, and making payments under relevant contracts, we may process personal data such as identification data, contact details, banking information, business contact details, banking information, and tax identification code for individuals registered for VAT purposes. Additionally, visiting the website involves the automatic collection of the following data: - technical data, for example, this may include the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, device type and mobile device brand; this data is collected and processed on our behalf, through third-party cookie files, and you can find more information about this in the Cookie Policy - data about your visit, for example, this may include data about the URL, clickstream to, through, and from our site (including date and time), products or information you viewed or searched for on the site. We process your personal data for various technical, administrative, and operational reasons, such as: - ensuring the presentation of content in the most efficient manner for you; - improving the website, including its functionality; - administering the website; - internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistics, and research; - keeping the website secure; - advertising and marketing, including for specific marketing purposes, so that we provide content, including personalized content, that may be of greater interest to you. Storing Personal Data Unless otherwise specified, data is stored for up to 10 years, unless the records of adult training service providers are considered, which may be kept longer according to the law. These data are processed because the data subject (you) has consented to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes; processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation incumbent on the controller. Additionally, if the data is not collected in the context of an agreement, such data will be retained for as long as necessary to achieve the intended data collection purpose or any longer period required by law, a records retention regulation. Immediately after the applicable archiving period ends, the data must be: 1. Deleted or securely destroyed 2. Transferred to an archive (unless prohibited by law or by record retention regulations). After the retention period, personal data of data subjects will be destroyed or deleted from IT systems or transformed into anonymous data for use in scientific, historical, or statistical research purposes. Sharing Your Information with Third Parties ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL will not disclose data obtained from data subjects to other third-party companies without having obtained explicit and separate consent for this purpose. ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL confirms that personal data obtained are stored securely or are destroyed, informing data subjects that there are data processing agreements with the software provider(s) whereby they have ensured, in turn, that they comply with GDPR. ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL may disclose the personal data of individuals, respecting the applicable law, to business partners or other third parties, such as their own delegates. In these situations, we will request the commitment of these individuals to comply with this policy in advance. We continuously make reasonable efforts to ensure that these third parties have implemented appropriate protection and security measures. We have contractual clauses with these third parties to protect your data. We will inform data subjects each time about the identity of these companies before transmission or within a reasonable period and ensure that any transfer is legitimate based on their consent or other legal basis. Additionally, the company may share individuals' data with business partners as part of a joint effort to provide a product or service. Personal information may also be provided to prosecutors, police, judicial authorities, and other authorized state bodies, within the provisions of the law and within its limits, following express requests. Within reasonable limits, ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL will ensure that the personal data of data subjects do not leave the European Economic Area. However, to the extent that it transfers to states outside the EEA, it will always ensure that the transfers are legitimate, based on the explicit consent of the data subject or another legal basis. Requests and Exercising Rights ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL informs any data subject that: - If you wish to exercise your rights, you can do so by submitting a written request, which can be deposited at the address indicated above or by sending a written request to the email address . - The rights listed above are not absolute. There are exceptions, which is why each request received will be analyzed to decide whether it is justified or not. To the extent that the request is justified, the company will facilitate the exercise of rights. If the request is unfounded, it will be rejected, but the data subjects will be informed of the reasons for the refusal and of their rights to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority and to seek justice. - The company will attempt to respond to the request within 30 days. However, the deadline may be extended depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the request, the number of requests received, or the inability to identify you within a reasonable time. - If, despite all efforts, the company fails to identify the data subject, and the data subject does not provide additional information to enable identification, the company will not be obliged to comply with the request. If you wish to exercise any of the rights listed above in this General Privacy Policy, make comments, obtain additional information or clarifications regarding the processing of your personal data, if you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your information or wish to exercise your legal rights, or if you have any other concerns about the confidentiality of your data, please contact ROMANIAN PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & AWARNESS STUDIES CENTER SRL via email at . A response to all requests will be provided to you as soon as possible, within a maximum of one month from the receipt of the request, with the possibility of extending the period by up to two months if the processing is complex or if there is a large volume of such requests. All requests must be submitted in person or sent by mail/courier to our headquarters in Bucharest, or by email to the following email address: . The resolution period for the request is 30 days. It is also worth noting that Romania has the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing ("A.N.S.P.D.C.P.") and you have the right to lodge a complaint if you believe that your rights have been violated by accessing the website . Dreptul de acces la date: Conform Articolului 15 din GDPR, persoanele vizate au dreptul să obțină de la operator o confirmare cu privire la prelucrarea sau neprelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal care le privesc și, în caz afirmativ, acces la acele date și la alte informații relevante. Aceste informații includ scopurile prelucrării, categoriile de date prelucrate, destinatarii acestor date etc. Odată cu dreptul de acces, persoana vizată va primi o informare detaliată, personalizată, care explică ce date îi sunt prelucrate, în ce scop, pe ce temei juridic, perioada de păstrare a datelor, destinatarii către care pot fi transferate aceste date și în ce scop, precum și menționarea drepturilor pe care le are persoana vizată în legătură cu aceste date. În plus, persoana vizată are dreptul de a obține o copie a datelor respective, nu doar informații despre ele. Dreptul la ștergerea datelor: Conform Articolului 17 din GDPR, persoanele vizate au dreptul de a solicita operatorului ștergerea datelor cu caracter personal care le privesc, fără întârzieri nejustificate. Cu toate acestea, există anumite excepții în care dreptul la ștergere nu se aplică, cum ar fi când prelucrarea este necesară pentru exercitarea dreptului la liberă exprimare și informare, pentru respectarea unei obligații legale, din motive de interes public în domeniul sănătății publice, în scopuri de arhivare în interes public, de cercetare științifică sau istorică sau în scopuri statistice, sau pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanță. Dreptul la rectificarea datelor: Conform Articolului 16 din GDPR, persoanele vizate au dreptul de a solicita operatorului corectarea sau completarea datelor cu caracter personal inexacte sau incomplete care le privesc, fără întârzieri nejustificate. Dreptul la restricționarea datelor: Conform Articolului 18 din GDPR, persoanele vizate au dreptul la restricționarea temporară a prelucrării datelor. Acest drept poate fi exercitat în situații în care persoana vizată se opune ștergerii datelor, invocând necesitatea acestora pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanță. Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor: Conform Articolului 20 din GDPR, persoanele vizate au dreptul de a primi datele cu caracter personal pe care le-au furnizat operatorului într-un format structurat, utilizat în mod obișnuit și care poate fi citit automat. De asemenea, au dreptul de a transmite aceste date altui operator, fără obstacole din partea operatorului inițial, în anumite condiții și limitări. Acest drept se aplică doar atunci când prelucrarea se bazează pe consimțământul persoanei vizate sau pe un contract, și numai atunci când prelucrarea este efectuată prin mijloace automate. Right to object: • Art. 21 GDPR. The data subject has the right to object, for example, to the processing of their personal data, especially when such processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes. It is very important that, when there are processing activities that could give rise to this right for the data subject, the existence of this right should be mentioned in the information provided. Right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing: • Profiling occurs when your personal aspects are evaluated to make predictions about you, even if no decision is made. • Fully automated decision-making occurs when decisions about you are made through technological means without any human involvement; these decisions can even be made without profiling. • Data protection law establishes that you have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated means if the decision produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. A decision produces legal effects when it impacts your legal rights (such as the right to vote). Additionally, processing can significantly affect you if it influences your circumstances, behavior, or choices. Decisions based on algorithms cannot use special categories of data unless you have given explicit consent or unless processing is permitted by EU law or national law. The right of access means that you have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing your data, and if we are, to access that data and information on how it is processed. The right to data portability refers to your ability to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to have it transmitted directly to another controller. The right to object concerns your right to object to the processing of your personal data when it serves a public interest or our legitimate interest. The right to rectification refers to the correction without undue delay of inaccurate personal data. The right to erasure/right to be forgotten means that you have the right to have your data erased without undue delay in any of the following situations: they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, you have withdrawn consent, and there is no other legal basis for processing; you object to the processing; the data was collected unlawfully; the data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation; the data was collected in relation to the offer of information society services. The right to restriction of processing can be exercised if the accuracy of the data is contested for a certain period, sufficient for the verification of the data; if the processing is unlawful but erasure is not desired, only restriction; if the lawyer no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes but you require them for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; if you have objected to the processing for the period of time while it is verified whether legitimate grounds override your rights. Contact details for Nick AVĂTĂJI Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței, nr. 3, bl. 17, sc. 1, ap. 4, Sector 5 0743026958