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  • Chakra Tarot Ritualic Constellation

    The Shamanic Chakra Tarot Ritual is designed for individual work, online, to work with oneself through spiritual therapy with what the 7 chakras have to offer the person to reach the vibration they desire. The client will be invited to bring into consciousness exactly those aspects that are believed to be blocking the normal flow of the chakras, allowing the energy to flow. For each chakra, a specific card will be drawn with the client, and its message will be provided to the client in two ways: if a field truth is perceived, it is also provided, and then the full explanation of the drawn TAROT card is communicated. The chakras are metaphorically a succession of seven small pools, working in cascade, allowing life energy to rise until the so-called Kundalini awakening phenomenon occurs. In Hindu culture there are said to be seven main chakras, each bringing healing in specific directions: The Seven Chakras and their Healing 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Healing: Promotes a sense of safety and stability. It heals issues related to anxiety, insecurity and provides a sense of belonging and physical support. 2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) - Healing: Regulates emotions, creativity and sexuality. It heals emotional blockages, intimacy issues and stimulates joy and passion. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Healing: Associated with personal power and self-confidence. It heals self-esteem issues, social anxiety and motivates action and determination. 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Healing: Connects the physical and spiritual aspects of the being. It heals emotional wounds, promotes unconditional love, compassion and healthy relationships. 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Healing: Responsible for communication and self-expression. It heals communication blockages, lies and encourages authenticity and expression of personal truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Healing: Associated with intuition and clairvoyance. It heals mental confusion, lack of concentration and develops intuitive understanding and inner perspective. 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Healing: Connects with spirituality and higher consciousness. Heals the feeling of spiritual disconnection. Price is per hour. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • 4 TA Therapy Sessions subscription

    Offer: 3 sessions plus one free Service available only for English or Romanian speakers everywhere, online only. As an exception, it is also possible to work with Italian speakers, but the level of language competence is self-declared at B2. About my journey in transactional analysis, the field of psychotherapy I completed the training in psychotherapy, the method of transactional analysis, under the guidance of Cezera Dașu, an extremely appreciated Romanian psychotherapist. Although I do not practice in Romania as an AT psychotherapist, from September 2024 I am opening an AT practice in the field of Psychotherapy - TA (P) in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Kingdom of Spain, which is why I will work physically only with clients there and online with clients speaking English, Italian or Romanian. Therapy services are not provided in Romania. Early Career and Transformation At the beginning of my career I was a criminal lawyer. As I practiced, I realized that the world was much more complex than what I saw in the courtroom. This revelation led me to explore the unconscious and its healing powers, thus becoming interested in transactional analysis, and later in family constellations. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • 8 TA Therapy Sessions subscription

    Offer: A session costs 40 euros. 4 Sessions purchased as a subscription 120 euros (30 euros/session). 8 sessions purchased as a subscription, although there were 320, for only 200 euros. Weekly recurrence (50 minutes per week). Service available only for English or Romanian speakers everywhere, online only. As an exception, it is also possible to work with Italian speakers, but the level of language competence is self-declared at B2. About my journey in transactional analysis, the field of psychotherapy I completed the training in psychotherapy, the method of transactional analysis, under the guidance of Cezera Dașu, an extremely appreciated Romanian psychotherapist. Although I do not practice in Romania as an AT psychotherapist, from September 2024 I am opening an AT practice in the field of Psychotherapy - TA (P) in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Kingdom of Spain, which is why I will work physically only with clients there and online with clients speaking English, Italian or Romanian. Therapy services are not provided in Romania. Early Career and Transformation At the beginning of my career I was a criminal lawyer. As I practiced, I realized that the world was much more complex than what I saw in the courtroom. This revelation led me to explore the unconscious and its healing powers, thus becoming interested in transactional analysis, and later in family constellations. The program is exclusively online*, intended only for Romanians everywhere and English or Italian speakers. *The service is NOT addressed to Romanians in Romania.

  • Organisational Consultancy

    Organisational Transactional analysis & Organisational Constellations - online Price is per hour.

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